Why should I consider a neck lift?

A lower rhytidectomy, or a neck lift, is a cosmetic procedure that can result in a more youthful appearance of the jawline and neck. Excess fat and sagging skin are to be expected with age, leaving individuals unsatisfied with their appearance. Factors such as, gravity, genetics, environmental conditions, stress, and lifestyle choices can all be the cause of this loose neck skin. Patients who desire to get rid of a double chin, or want a smoother appearance of the neck are ideal candidates for a lower rhytidectomy. Also, individuals who are interested in a facelift procedure should consider a lower rhytidectomy as well, in order to create a matching appearance of the face and neck. Nonsurgical rejuvenation of the neck can be used to delay action, but cannot achieve the same results as a neck lift surgery

What does a neck lift entail?

Prior to your neck lift procedure, it will be necessary to meet with your surgeon for a consult in order to discuss your surgical goals and confirm that you are a suitable candidate. A lower rhytidectomy is an outpatient procedure, in which you will have the choice between intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. A traditional neck lift incision or a limited neck lift incision can be utilized depending on the degree of change you are seeking. A traditional incision begins in the hairline at the level of the ear and ends in the posterior hair. Tissue is repositioned, and the excess fat is removed through liposuction. Often an additional incision under the chin is necessary for liposuction and tightening of the platysma muscle. A limited neck lift involves shorter incisions around the ear. In either case, sutures are used to close the incision and will dissolve or require removal after a few days.

What should I expect following neck lift surgery?

The recovery for a neck lift surgery will vary depending on the patient, but swelling and bruising will dissipate after 10-14 days. Although, it can sometimes take up to several weeks or months for the swelling to fully resolve. You should expect to feel some tightness in your neck following surgery. Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to properly care for the surgical site and drains. A few of the risks involved with a neck lift procedure are bleeding, prolonged swelling, infection, hematoma, pain, poor wound healing, and facial asymmetry. As with any cosmetic procedure, patient satisfaction and increased self-confidence is the expectation, although is important to remember that there is no guarantee that the desired results will be possible.