Breast Implants or Fat Transfer

Cosmetic breast enhancement is an excellent procedure for any patient looking to increase confidence, change the size of their breasts, or get their pre-pregnancy breasts back. Breast augmentation is one of the top five cosmetic surgical procedures performed every year but there are other alternatives to breast enhancement. Here we are going to walk through two common breast enhancement procedures to increase breast size.

A traditional breast augmentation is the more common procedure for increasing breast size. This involves a consultation first to discuss your goals for undergoing this procedure. The size you want achieved, dramatic or natural looking results, and where the implant should be placed will all be discussed at this time. Determining whether silicone or saline implants are better suited for you will also be decided during the consultation phase. The surgical procedure itself will enhance and enlarge the breasts to the desired size with implant placement. Full recovery for this procedure is typically about 4-6 weeks.

Fat grafting to the breasts is another common procedure performed to increase breast size. This can be performed alone or in conjunction with breast augmentation. Fat grafting involves removing excess fat from an area on your body such as your abdomen, flanks, or thighs, harvesting the fat and injecting it back into the breasts. Fat grafting can be performed at the time of breast augmentation, as a standalone procedure or after breast implants have been in place for some time to enhance cleavage. Fat grafting in addition to breast augmentation is a great way to boost your breast enhancement surgery! It is important to keep in mind that over time some of the injected fat will naturally dissipate into the body.

With this information in mind, your surgeon here at Northwestern Medicine will help you decide which options are best for your breast enhancement procedure! For a consultation with Dr. John Kim, please contact our clinic at 312-694-0879 or through the request form in the header.