Natural looking Facelift

Nowadays everyone is looking for the latest fix on how to look natural and youthful. Facial rejuvenation surgery can provide a patient with natural looking results using a couple different techniques. The key to a “natural-looking” facelift is a harmony between rejuvenating the facial structures and balancing them proportionally for each patient.

Here are a few ways Dr. John Kim creates a natural looking facelift in his patients:

  1. Mini-facelift: This is an option for patients looking to undergo a less invasive procedure. This type of facelift uses smaller incision to achieve a more subtle yet still improved look.
  2. Deep plane facelift: This technique is a more invasive procedure involving manipulation of deeper layers of the face sometimes called the SMAS layer. Overall, this procedure will provide a more dramatic yet still natural-looking result.
  3. Chin and neck liposuction: This procedure is a great option for patients looking to target just their chin and neck. As we age these can be problematic areas of aging where extra help is needed. Through this technique excess fat can be removed in a minimally invasive procedure. Chin and neck liposuction is commonly be combined with face-lifts.

Looking natural and feeling your best is always the goal of your surgeon here at Northwestern Medicine! For a consultation with Dr. John Kim, please contact our clinic at 312-694-0879 or through the request form in the header.