This past weekend, Dr. Kim was invited as a keynote lecturer at the Paris Breast Rendez-Vous Meeting. International experts from around the world were invited to share ideas and innovations in breast surgery through lectures, workshops, and teaching video sessions. This 3-day meeting focused on oncologic breast surgeryreconstructive breast surgery, and aesthetic breast surgery.

Dr. Kim gave the keynote lecture titled, “Understanding risk in breast reconstruction: Use of the BRAscore.” In this presentation, Dr. Kim discussed risks, complications, and outcomes in breast reconstruction surgery. He also demonstrated how to utilize the online Breast Reconstruction Risk Assessment (BRA) Score, which allows both patients and surgeons to assess the risk of future surgeries depending on comorbidities and other demographic factors.

The online risk calculator can be found here.

While in Paris, Dr. Kim gave another presentation titled, “A quantitative analysis of animation deformity in implant reconstruction” in which he discussed a complication seen in subpectoral reconstruction, known as animation deformity. He explained the possible advantages of utilizing pre-pectoral breast reconstruction in order to avoid this clinical issue. Finally, Dr. Kim lectured on the indications and oncologic safety of fat grafting in breast surgery, as well as touched upon his own personal experience with fat grafting over the years.