brunette girl with daisy flower

Everywhere you turn — whether it be waiting in line at the grocery store, sitting down to eat at a restaurant, or walking down a busy sidewalk — people are peering down at their smartphones. The common pose of craning the neck down and tucking the chin into the chest to gaze into a digital screen could be considered this generation’s version of Rodin’s famous “Thinker” statue.

Have you ever considered the physical effects that this pose has on the body? Specifically, the delicate neck? Unfortunately, there are consequences to the contortion.

Elle magazine recently reported on “tech neck,” which is a term for the loose skin, horizontal lines, wrinkles/folds and double chin that result from constantly looking down at a mobile device. The rise in “selfies,” or close-up photographs taken of oneself to post on social media, has also helped illuminate this growing problem. To compound the problem, many people neglect their neck in their daily skincare regimens, so the neck shows signs of aging well before the face.

Luckily, plastic surgeons have an answer to tech neck: a cosmetic procedure called neck lift. And, according to sources, the demand for neck lifts is on the rise, thanks to tech neck. Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons showed that more than 55,000 Americans had neck lift last year, up 6 percent from 2012.

How Neck Lift Can Help

Also known as platysmaplasty or cervicoplasty, neck lift accomplishes several goals:

  • Removes excess fat and skin
  • Tightens the muscles around the neck
  • Re-drapes the skin for a smoother contour
  • Improves the contours of the jawline
  • Improves the appearance of jowls or “turkey wattle”

Neck lift is often combined with facelift for more comprehensive results in the mid to lower facial regions; however, it can be performed as a standalone procedure, too.

Learn More about Neck Lift

If you have noticed signs of aging in your neck (perhaps from constant smartphone, tablet or e-reader use), a neck lift with Chicago plastic surgeon John Kim may be a great option for you.

To learn more about how surgery can restore a tighter, smoother appearance to your neck, please contact Dr. Kim at 312-695-6022 or send an email to schedule an appointment.