Breast Implants Replaced

Breast implants do not have an expiration date once implanted in the body, but they also won’t last a lifetime. Replacing your breast implants will depend on individual factors such as health, age, and your personal preference. Here are a couple reasons why you may consider replacing your breast implants:

You want to change the implant size

One major reason to replace your breast implants is to get larger or smaller implants placed. At the time of your first surgery, you may have been satisfied with the outcome but over time you may have grown to dislike the size of your implants. Performing an implant exchange to swap out the implant size is a personal preference you can discuss with your surgeon.

Your implants are beginning to droop

Breasts droop with age and continue to do so even if you have implants placed. After having implants placed you may begin to notice a difference in your appearance as you age, and your breasts begin to droop. If this becomes an issue for you and is not meeting your aesthetic goals, it could be a conversation to have with your surgeon.

Aside from age, rapid weight loss and pregnancy may cause your breasts to droop or change appearance. After undergoing these types of changes, you may want to assess the look of your breasts and undergo revision surgery. Your surgeon may be able to address these issues by performing a breast lift in conjunction with an implant replacement.

You have developed capsular contracture

Capsular contracture can occur after breast implants have been placed in the body. The formation of a capsule or scar tissue around a foreign object (a breast implant) is part of the body’s healing process. Over time this capsule of scar tissue can lead to aesthetic problems and pain in the breasts. Depending on the severity of capsular contracture, your breast implants may be replaced for this reason.

You have breast implant rupture

This may seem like an obvious reason to get your breast implants replaced but sometimes detecting this issue is harder than you may think. If you have silicone implants, it is advised by the FDA that you get an MRI 5-6 years after getting your breast implants placed and then every 2-3 years thereafter. An MRI is the most sensitive imaging exam to determine silicone implant rupture. Upon rupture detection, you can open a discussion with your surgeon whether implant replacement is appropriate or not.

If you have saline implants, it is usually a bit easier to detect implant rupture or leakage. As saline exits a ruptured implant, the implant will lose volume and it will lead to a deflated appearance. Again, upon rupture detection you can open this discussion with your surgeon about implant replacement.

You have rippling in your breasts

Rippling along the skin’s surface can occur when visible palpable folds begin to form after breast implants have been placed. These ripples can be especially noticeable in patients with thin tissue or skin. Rippling can occur with both silicone and saline implants but is more commonly seen with saline implants. If the rippling from your breast implants has caused you to dislike your aesthetic appearance, then a revision surgery is something to discuss with your surgeon.

You are not satisfied with the results

Overall, there are numerous reasons why you may be unhappy with the results of your breast implant placement. It is important to find a surgeon you are comfortable with and someone who understands your aesthetic goals. A board-certified plastic surgeon will be able to address your concerns, goals, and ultimately achieve the look you are striving for. If you are looking to revise your breast implants, consider booking a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kim. Please contact our clinic at 312-694-0879 or through the request form in the header.