The Angelina Jolie Procedure

In 2013, Angelina Jolie made headlines not for her latest Hollywood blockbuster but, rather, for a much more personal matter – her BRCA1 mutation and subsequent decision to undergo bilateral prophylactic mastectomies.

When is best to see a breast reconstruction surgeon?

Over the past decade, Chicago reconstructive surgeon Dr. John Kim has helped countless women look and feel their best after breast cancer diagnosis and mastectomy. Here, he blogs about the importance of early conversation when considering breast reconstruction:

Although the time following breast cancer diagnosis may be understandably trying,

Managing Breast Implant Rupture

Whether you have breast implants from breast augmentation or breast cancer reconstruction surgery, it is possible that your implants may rupture. Dr. John Kim of Northwestern Plastic Surgery in downtown Chicago has extensive experience performing secondary breast surgery,

Nipple Sparing Mastectomy (NSM)

Mastectomy refers to removal of the whole breast. It may also include lymph node removal in the armpit area to determine whether the cancer has spread from the breast to your body’s lymphatic system.

Study: Women with Autologous Breast Reconstruction Are Happier

Breast reconstruction is a highly personalized procedure. What works for one woman won’t necessarily work for another. (Some women decide against reconstruction altogether.) With that in mind, a study found that breast reconstruction patients that replaced implants with their own tissue were happier.

Dr. Kim’s Clinical Research: A Summary

As an Associate Professor of Surgery for the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Dr. Kim is very academically active. He serves at the Principal Investigator (PI) for numerous clinical studies.

Northwestern Plastic Surgery Hosts “BRA Day 2014”

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Northwestern Plastic Surgery hosted “BRA Day”, or Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day, on October 9, 2014.

Post-mastectomy breast reconstruction represents one of the final stages in breast cancer treatment for women,